Federal Election 2025
Compassion over cruelty
Everything you need to call for compassion over cruelty this election.
We’re better united so join us in calling on our politicians to mirror the best of our communities in choosing compassion, fairness, and welcome.
Keep checking back as we add more resources.

Our vision for the 2025-28 Parliament
People seeking asylum still face major obstacles to rebuilding their lives in Australia in safety and dignity.
The next Parliament must bring us closer to a society where we recognise our shared humanity, uphold human rights for all, and extend our welcome, respect, and support to people seeking asylum.
Read our vision for what we hope to see in the 2025-28 Parliament.

Quiz your candidates
Whether on your doorstep or at a candidates debate, election time gives us an opportunity to ask questions of candidates vying to represent us in Parliament.
Let them know you are part of a community of people who want fair policies for refugees and people seeking asylum.
Access our guide for questions to find out how your candidates will act on refugee issues.
Authorised by F.Rush, Asylum Seekers Centre, 43 Bedford St, Newtown NSW 2042
Materials included on this page are designed for the purpose of educating the public, raising awareness, or encouraging debate on policy issues related to the work of the Asylum Seekers Centre. They are not intended in any way to influence voters in the course of the election.
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