Seeking asylum is a human right.
Let’s choose welcome, kindness, and facts. People seeking asylum have fled unimaginable danger in search of safety. Doing so is a human right that must be protected.
Pledge your support below for the human right to seek asylum.
It’s time to put an end to the politics of fear and division.
Sign your name to show you support the fact that seeking asylum is a human right.
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Your voice has never been more important.
Politicians in Australia are once again reaching for the playbook of fear and division, passing laws that have added another sad chapter to our country’s history of division and cruelty.
At a time when people seeking asylum need a warm welcome and a helping hand more than ever, the system is failing them and public discourse is alienating them.
We need to stick to the facts.
Everyone has the right to seek asylum, regardless of how they arrive in Australia.
Seeking asylum is a human right according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 1951 Refugee Convention, both of which Australia is a signatory.
Join us to protect the rights and safety of people seeking asylum.
Commit to standing up for the most vulnerable.
Join fellow Australians in pushing back against the political race to the bottom and demonising rhetoric surrounding people seeking asylum.
It is a human right to seek asylum, regardless of how people arrive in Australia. People seeking asylum risk their lives to enter a system which isolates and neglects them, and ignores their human rights.
This is the reality for people like Sahra*, who fled unimaginable danger and arrived by sea in 2013. She was transferred to detention in Nauru, where she spent eight years. After another year in detention in Sydney, she was released into the community on a six-month bridging visa, without a safety net.
Sign the pledge to send a message that seeking asylum is an irrefutable human right, and being treated with dignity and fairness when doing so is a moral imperative.
Yes, I stand with people seeking asylum