International Women’s Day: “One woman can change the world”
My name is Fatima Rahmati. I was born in Afghanistan, the land of mountains and spices and pomegranates and tea… Read More
“Finding people who are not from your community, who are not even from your culture…and they are ready to help. That was really an amazing thing.” – Teyma
As people seeking asylum, Teyma and her family did everything the Government asked of them – filled out paperwork, found jobs and worked hard to keep their family safe and give their children an education and sense of security.
When an email arrived, telling the family to book an appointment for a health check – a big step forward in the long journey to a permanent visa – they felt hope, but then shock.
“I think it is the final step…I was happy to get the email. Then I realised that you have to pay more than $3000. It is not even in our budget, it’s an amount not realisable.” – Teyma
There is no government support for this part of the process. Most people seeking asylum are barely able to meet the basic costs of living. This is an impossible amount to come up with. Teyma turned to the Asylum Seekers Centre.
“The Centre was the first place where I was feeling comfortable here. It was the first time in my life that I ask for help.” – Teyma
The pathway to receiving protection visas in Australia is long and exhausting. There is a new Federal Government, but we have yet to see real change on this issue. With the support of people like you, the ASC will continue to advocate for this change and hold decision makers to account.
For people seeking asylum, there are barriers everywhere that make it incredibly hard to obtain the basics for survival – food, shelter, medical help, employment.
When added to the uncertainty and delays of the visa application process, these challenges can take a huge toll on people’s physical and mental wellbeing.
Having escaped a difficult situation in her home country, she faced more challenges that threatened to overwhelm her family: How to earn money to feed and clothe herself and her four children? How to learn the local language? How to give her children an education?
The Asylum Seekers Centre services and programs are designed to help support not just physical needs, but create connections and community – the opportunities for moments of happiness and laughter.
For many people seeking asylum, the ASC becomes their family. You are part of that family.
Getting a job is an essential step on the path to independence. The new Federal Government has still not provided ongoing financial support for people seeking asylum whilst they look for work. Paid work that is essential for survival.
Teyma and her engineer husband are both professionals and tertiary educated, but when they first arrived, understanding the language was a challenge. Through the Asylum Seekers Centre they got the support they needed to build their Australian English skills.
Today we support more than 4000 people seeking asylum who are living in the community. Waiting, like Teyma, for a chance to start building a future again.
“They make you feel that you are amazing: that you are able to do what you want to do. It’s always this smile that makes you feel proud of yourself.” – Teyma
Your gift now will ensure we have the resources to be there for families like Teyma’s. Give joy to more families with a gift to the Asylum Seekers Centre today.
My name is Fatima Rahmati. I was born in Afghanistan, the land of mountains and spices and pomegranates and tea… Read More
At the Asylum Seekers Centre (ASC), welcome often begins with Zeynep Ekim Elbaşı Gözoğlu or Ekim, our Senior Welcome and… Read More
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