Send a message of welcome
More important than ever In a world where politicians increasingly seek to divide, where hostile rhetoric towards people seeking asylum… Read More
Now is the time for an inclusive and compassionate society with a new Federal Government. Cruel policies have made life hard for people seeking asylum and refugees for too many years.
During the election campaign your advocacy for fair refugee policies was heard by the candidates in your local electorates. Now it is time to ensure the inclusive society we have been promised becomes a reality.
This week I have written to incoming Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and many other members of the new government. I have invited them to visit us at the Asylum Seekers Centre and hear directly from the people whose lives are deeply affected by refugee policies.
I have also reminded them of the issues we have identified as a community, that are urgent and important:
This is the time for us to rebuild as a nation and embrace the human rights principles of fairness and dignity for all. We should be proud to uphold the Refugee Convention that Australia signed.
This won’t all happen straight away, but we are moving forward with energy and hope.
I wrote to you earlier this month to tell you about the employment service that we run at the Asylum Seekers Centre, and Sabala, one of the people we have supported to rebuild their lives with the opportunities that a job provides.
Your support for our employment program enables us to expand this service and provide the individualised help that a person seeking asylum needs to thrive in our community.
We are already supporting more than 4,150 people seeking asylum, who had no choice but to flee persecution and danger in their home countries.
We have seen the mental health of the people we support decline in a frightening way in the past few years. What happens in Parliament affects their lives every day and yet they are not able to vote or impact the outcome.
The Asylum Seekers Centre commits to continue working with people to raise their voices and walk beside them as they rebuild their lives.
Your support for our work and this rebuilding is essential at this time. We know that you also want a more inclusive Australia.
Warm regards
Frances Rush OAM
Chief Executive Officer
More important than ever In a world where politicians increasingly seek to divide, where hostile rhetoric towards people seeking asylum… Read More
The Asylum Seekers Centre is deeply concerned by the announcement that the Australian government will deport people released from indefinite… Read More
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